We are a friendly bunch who share a passion for book folding.

We have compiled a list here to help you get the most of foldedbookart.co.uk

No sharing or selling of these patterns, please.

No selling of finished books on this site.
No mention of other book folding groups.
No mention of pattern designers or sharing their patterns.
No back door selling of patterns.

Do, Don’ts and Hints… for 2018

  • DON’T – Post links to other book folding software, FB groups, websites, pattern makers.


  • DO – If you are a beginner and joining a book folding group…. please watch as many YouTube videos as possible… this will help cut down on questions that will come to mind and give you a clearer understanding.


  • DON’T – Take on a complicated or intricate fold (if you are a beginner); you will be disillusioned before you even start. Pick a measure, measure mark and fold (MMF) patterns to give you experience in folding with marked measurements.


  • DO – Invest in a good ruler, a triangle and bone folder. Other tips by members are: using a scoring board to make your 180-degree folds more precise; creating a board with 3 parallel lines 1 centimetre apart for lining up the page edge and folding all your tabs inwards 1 cm; two boards screwed together at a 90-degree angle to help in holding the pages back when folding, toilet tissue holders (yes, that is right) for holding pages that are completed. These tools are the basis behind precise folding and a clearer image.


  • DON’T – Ask for a pattern to be given to you. Before asking if a certain image is available check out the website https://foldedbookart.co.uk…. We have spent a lot of time ensuring you would have many patterns to choose from. If it isn’t in the files or on the website, contact us and we will try to accommodate you.


  • DON’T – Mention other designers when posting your finished books. The developers of this site spend time and money to promote their designs. Other designers do not contribute financially to the sites to keep them up and running.


  • DO – Read other members posts and comments when a question is asked … many times the answer is given and two posts later the same question is asked again.


  • DON’T – Be nasty or rude to other members, if they are reluctant to share information regarding a book fold. Sometimes the book fold may be personal.


  • DO – Looking for a certain image… Google it…. If you will type in – black and white clipart dogs – for instance, many black and white images will come up that are usable in the pattern program. Filter by FREE to use*


  • DON’T – Blame the pattern designer if your folded book doesn’t look like the picture posted. Many folds depend on the neatness and accurate marking of the pattern. However, if something is way off – contact us and let them know as they may not be aware of the problem, especially with patterns that are put out as testers.


  • DON’T – Ask for many patterns to be made and then give them away to all your friends. For some designers this is their living as they are stay-at-home individuals due to motherhood, illness, spousal care giving, etc. When you do request a pattern, we encourage you to share the finished book posted.


  • DO – Keep in mind the thickness of the book pages will determine if the fold is going to be a clear image. I am an advocate of 180 degree folding as it bulks up the book, especially if the pages are thin, and gives lettering a better look.


  • DON’T – Use old soiled or stained books; books where the spine is wonky from the rest of the book, books that smell musty… if you receive books free you can always make other things from the pages. Never throw away a book page – you can make so many different flower designs with them.


  • DO – If you have favourite designs, keep a small notebook with the number of book pages needed to complete the fold. Then you only must remember to refer to your “little black book”…. Instead of trying to remember.


  • HINT – Patterns can be made in books that are larger than the number of pages listed on the pattern. Just keep in mind to centre the pattern by putting so many of the extra pages (half) in front and (half) behind the pattern measurements.


  • HINT – Make a list of folds that you would like to do for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and holidays… keep an eye out for patterns that are available, so you can get an early start.


  • HINT – Older books that have brown spots can be salvaged… take a fine grain sand paper, hold the book together tightly and gently rub on the edges. Some of your books will look like new on the edges.


WARNING – Book Folding is strangely addictive!