Cute Snowman (Fore Edge Photo Strip Pattern)


A wonderful new technique of book folding art. Fore Edge Photo Strip Pattern

Cute Snowman

Small Pattern, 22 cm x 350 pages


Requirements for pattern printing:

Injet Printer

High quality printer settings (photo quality)

Settings need to be actual size. If fit to page is checked, you MUST uncheck that box.

Paper should be at least 80 to 100gsm or 28lb. (We wouldn’t recommend anything higher than 100gsm as it becomes too stiff and heavy to fold)

A good paper is necessary

Regular tape to hold the strips – I recommend using tape because if you need to adjust any of the strips, lifting the tape is easier. Double sided tape or glue makes it hard to remove the strip. Glue and double sided tape will tear it.

Cut your strips and put the numbered strips in their correct pages

Make sure the numbered strip corresponds with the page (sometimes you pick up two pages without realising it)


Working with the strips:

Cut all the strips along the black lines

Keep the strips in numerical order

Fold strips in half lengthwise

Cut number off strip from top to bottom. Use the cut edge as a guide to make sure your strip is lined to the page. We cut the other number strips off at the end of the book

Line up edge of printe strip with edge of your page

Tape to secure. We put one piece of tape on the top, middle and bottom of the odd numbered side. If the next page seems to tuck into the page before, put a piece of tape in the middle on the even side of the page.


Snowman Fore Edge Photo Strip Pattern

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